Research Study:
You are about to undertake a study of health care in the United States. Your task will be to conduct a research study that will either: A)help one to understand the American character in terms of what is valued and what is believed to be true and real; or B) explain and/or predict the manner in which the American legislative and political process deals with this issue.
The following provides some examples of the possible research questions:
Does one part of the political process bear more responsibility for the lack of a resolution to the health care issue than another? (i.e. Who is more to blame? Democrats? Republicans? The President? The American Republican system of government? The mainstream Liberal media? Conservative talk radio and Fox News?)
How does media bias (either conservative or liberal) influence people's perceptions with respect to health care?
Which media outlet offers the fairest, most balanced coverage of the health care issue?
How do American attitudes to aspects of their health care system compare to the attitudes of people from other countries to the same aspects of American health care?
What are the trends in health reform in America and what does it tell us about the nation?
As the debate on health care reform moves forward, how does public perception change towards its political leadership and why?
Will politics or the public good prevail in health care? (Public good can be perceived as either a plan being passed or no plan being passed.)
Which is a bigger roadblock to a health care bill -- tort reform/limiting malpractice lawsuits or a public insurance option/socialized medicine?
Is a health insurance plan that requires everyone to buy insurance a tax?
You are to develop your study using the scientific method.
Your model must include the following components:
•research - the background to your problem or question
•hypothesis - a prediction concerning what your study will find or attempt to answer
•variables - things that can change, depending on conditions (independent/dependent)
•procedure - what will be done, in order to get an answer to the hypothesis
•results - findings of executing your procedure
•observation - your records of what you did or studied
•conclusions - a final analysis of whether or not the hypothesis was proved
Before class on Wednesday, consider which question you are interested in and think about the issues you need to learn about to study that question.
Starting next class, I will work with you to help you through the process of developing your model.