Friday, September 12, 2008

What's the Difference Between a Donkey and an Elephant?

Today we finished learning from the group that looked at the differences between the Prime Minister and the President. They concluded that when it comes to passing a bill in the British parliamentary model, everything begins with the Prime Minister and in the American Republican model, everything ends with the President. Other conclusions included:

  • There is more flexibility for individual parliamentarians in the American system to "go their own way" -- Cabinet solidarity vs. bipartisanship
  • Passing legislation is less complicated in Canada and easier to do.
  • Government can be held more directly responsible in the Canadian system. The president needs the help of the House and the Senate to get things done.

The next group discussed the differences between the two major parties in the US -- Democrats and Republicans

Democrats in general see the government as a force for good and look suspiciously towards entrepreneurs and business in general. They see government as a redistributer of wealth that from time to time makes thing fairer and helps out the less fortunate members of society. Democrats favor higher taxes on those who earn higher incomes as part of their "social responsibility" to help society because they can. The term "liberal" or "left wing" is sometimes used. Many Democrats are pro-choice and oppose what they consider the government legislating on "morality" issues. In the Iraq War, most Democrats want American troops to leave as soon as possible and think it was a mistake to go to Iraq in the first place.

Republicans in general see government as a necessary evil and believe that the less government the better. They favor entrepreneurs and business as the real creators of wealth and seek to have government stay out of the way. Republicans favor lower taxes, as they believe that taxation (especially raising rates on higher incomes) punishes achievement and discourages people from looking after themselves and being productive, responsible individuals. The term "conservative" or "right wing" is sometimes used. Many Republicans are pro-life and support government legislation on "morality" issues. In the Iraq War, Republicans want American troops home as soon as possible, but they see Iraq as a legitimate battleground in the War on Terror and are unprepared to leave until the country is more stable.

Remember, candidates create their own brand of the party that they belong to. John McCain has broken ranks with his party in the past on "morality" issues. Part of Sara Palin's nomination can be tied to the fact that some Republicans thought McCain too "liberal" and not a true "conservative", as Palin herself has strong backing from the more conservative wing of the party.

Bill Clinton sometimes broke ranks with the Democratic party when he signed a Republican bill into law that reduced welfare. Again, the American system allows the individual politician more flexibility than is found in Canada.

On Monday, we will conclude with the two groups and move on with the course.